Urgent Care Hawaii’s Tips for Adjusting to a Post-COVID Workplace
When COVID-19 struck the world in the beginning of 2020, most office workers headed home for an extended period of remote work. Over the past year, many of us have been able to adapt to a new work life of Zoom meetings in comfy clothes, with our daily interactions with coworkers reduced to occasional messages and emails. Now as the vaccine becomes more widely available through COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics Hawaii, people are facing the decision of whether or not to return to work in-person.
Making this decision may not be easy for you, and whether you decide to work in the office or from home, you may run into challenges along the way. Here are some tips from Urgent Care Hawaii on how you can better ease-in to the Post-COVID Workplace.
Working in the office
So you want to return to the office after a long year away. But as you settle back at your desk, you realize your home routine is so much different from your office routine. Maybe worries about what COVID safety precautions to take creep in. Maybe you just feel overwhelmed having people around you again all day. All of these feelings are normal, especially after the intense year we’ve all been through.
What’s most important is to know what is going to make you most comfortable. Getting vaccinated at a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic in Hawaii, or doing COVID-19 Testing in Kapolei or anywhere in Oahu, not only can make you feel more safe, but also helps keep your coworkers safe as well! Taking the time to gauge your feelings on the work situation, as well as to talk with colleagues and supervisors on how they’re feeling and coping, can help you create a work routine that lets you enjoy work from the office. Communicating with others helps them understand where you’re coming from, and can help them make the space more comfortable for you, and vice-versa.

Working from home
You may not be quite ready to head back in the office yet, and that’s fine too. As others return to work though, questions on what standard work procedures are may come up: will I need to venture to the office occasionally, or better yet a customers’ business? How will meetings be different with some people in-person and others remote? Am I missing out by not working with my colleagues in-person?
Remember that, while some things are beginning to return to normal, many people out there are not yet comfortable with coming back in. Taking the time until you feel comfortable and safe is okay, and there are ways to keep yourself feeling like a valuable member of your team. Again, communication is key, whether it’s with colleagues or customers; letting them know your feelings will allow them to help make it a more comfortable environment for you. Keeping up with coworkers socially over chat or calls can help make the distance feel more normal too, and can be a good destressor after everything we’ve been through.
Your health comes first
However you decide to work as a “new normal” starts taking form, what’s most important is your physical and emotional wellbeing. Remember to focus on how you’re doing mentally as much as you are with staying physically healthy, and only do what makes you feel comfortable. If you find yourself overwhelmed with stress or worry, reach out to friends and family, or talk to a medical professional. When working in the office, following COVID safety procedures and getting tested regularly to protect you and others from COVID-19 can help make you feel more secure; COVID-19 Testing in Kapolei, Kailua, and Pearl City is readily available from Urgent Care Hawaii.