Everything You Need to Know About Using Telemedicine Services in Hawaii for COVID-19 Screening
Although telemedicine has been around for near about a century, it was under the spotlight recently in the context of the massive spread of the COVID-19 outbreak that led to state-wide lockdowns and restrictions on nonessential travel. Connecting with a health care provider using your tablet, laptop, or smart phone is becoming increasingly popular — it is also convenient and cost-effective.
While a virtual health visit cannot diagnose an infection, your doctor can certainly guide you to the next appropriate line of treatment. Read ahead, as we tell you all about how and when you can avail telemedicine services for safe and professional COVID-19 testing Hawaii.

Convenient and Safe in the Covid-19 Era
You don’t have to leave the comfort and safety of your home to discuss your health concerns face-to-face with your doctor! With telemedicine, you can reach a care provider from any remote location without the hassle of traveling to a walk-in or urgent care clinic. Think about all the precious time you could possibly save not waiting for your turn at the doctor’s clinic!
Booking an appointment for telemedicine services in Hawaii is quick and gives you the flexibility in your everyday routine.
High-Quality Professional Care
Telemedicine has literally brought high-quality and assured health care to our fingertips. With merely a few clicks, you can connect with a licensed health care practitioner who will consult with you and provide practical solutions to resolve your health-related concerns.
Guidance for At-Home Management of Mild COVID-19 Symptoms
Those who believe they might have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 would benefit from a virtual health visit, and they can book an appointment for COVID-19 testing in Hawaii. Many clinics such as Urgent Care Hawaii offering telemedicine services Hawaii have a specialized team that provides COVID-19 virtual counselling to patients. Those experiencing mild symptoms, such as a low-grade fever and fatigue, can be remotely guided to self-isolate at home and closely monitor their symptoms.
Reduced Strain on the Already Burdened Health System
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the health system, with front-line health care workers fighting hard to stay afloat through these challenging times . But telemedicine services offer the opportunity for health care providers to considerably expand their services, serving larger populations relatively quicker without compromising on the quality of care.
Doctors Can Make a Referral for an Outpatient Examination
If your health care provider thinks you will benefit from an in-person examination or further testing, they would likely recommend that. That is to say, not all telemedicine consults end virtually over a video or telephone call, but providers follow all protocols to ensure the best possible care is provided to the patient.